Global Electronic Component Distributor Awards program keeps openness, fairness and just as its principle, and will evaluate companies and individuals from diverse aspects. Our electing methods and principles are widely accepted by nominees and within the industry.
Winners will be elected by the committee comprised of ASPENCORE global senior industry analysts and online users from Asia, the US and Europe.
Outstanding International Branded Distributors
Top 10 China Branded Distributors
Outstanding e-commerce Distributors
Top 5 Distributors in Technical Support
Top 3 Distributors in Supply Capability
Top 3 Sustainable Growth Distributors
Top 3 Rising Star Distributors
Top 3 International Potential Star Distributors
Top Distributors in Capital Innovation
Top Distribution Industry Service Providers
Global Electronic Component Distributor Awards program keeps openness, fairness and just as its principle, and will evaluate companies and individuals from diverse aspects. Our electing methods and principles are widely accepted by nominees and within the industry.
Winners will be elected by the committee comprised of ASPENCORE global senior industry analysts and online users from Asia, the US and Europe.
Outstanding Performance Component Distributor: IoT
Outstanding Performance Component Distributor: Automotive Electronics
Outstanding Performance Component Distributor: Industrial Control
Outstanding Performance Component Distributor: New Energy
Outstanding Performance Component Distributor: Passive
Global Electronic Component Distributor Awards program keeps openness, fairness and just as its principle, and will evaluate companies and individuals from diverse aspects. Our electing methods and principles are widely accepted by nominees and within the industry.
Winners will be elected by the committee comprised of ASPENCORE global senior industry analysts and online users from Asia, the US and Europe.
Global Electronic Component Distributor Awards program keeps openness, fairness and just as its principle, and will evaluate companies and individuals from diverse aspects. Our electing methods and principles are widely accepted by nominees and within the industry.
Winners will be elected by the committee comprised of ASPENCORE global senior industry analysts and online users from Asia, the US and Europe.
*Nominees are in random orders后